We offer a wide­spread per­for­mance port­fo­lio of inte­gra­ted solutions…

…from a con­ti­nuous cor­po­ra­te CD…

…to a holi­stic adver­ti­sing campaign.

We make sure ide­as achie­ve their aims…

…on all com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on channels.

Our disci­pli­nes

Our know-how for you:
From stra­te­gic brand posi­tio­ning …
… to lar­ge adver­ti­sing and mar­ke­ting campaigns.

RANDECK Communications deve­lo­ps and imple­ments brands and cor­po­ra­te designs for com­pa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons. We hand­le inter­nal and exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tasks, design and crea­te all kinds of adver­ti­sing mate­ri­als, clas­sic adver­ti­sing cam­paigns, dia­lo­gue mar­ke­ting mea­su­res and point-of-sale pro­mo­ti­ons. One of our big­gest pas­si­ons: Trade fair presentations.

Branding and stra­te­gic marketing

Strong posi­tio­ning that allows your brand to shine.

Competition and brand analysis

Success comes to tho­se who under­stand their competitors.

CI and CD development

Values and design that are as uni­que as your company.

Corporate com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons

A public appearance wort­hy of your class.

Sales pro­mo­ti­on and trade marketing

Creative pro­mo­ti­ons that boost your sales.

Classic adver­ti­sing

Intelligent cam­paigns that deli­ver on brand and sales.

Ad cam­paigns

Clear mes­sa­ges that get right to the point.

Leaflet docu­men­ta­ti­on

High qua­li­ty pro­duct lite­ra­tu­re that is always up to date.

Dialogue mar­ke­ting

Personal address that eli­cits responses.

Multimedia design

Sensual design with usa­bi­li­ty always in mind.

Online mar­ke­ting

Online acti­vi­ties that get cus­to­mers to click.

Trade fair promotion

High atten­ti­on that con­verts trade fair visi­tors into customers.

Industry know-how

RANDECK Communications ope­ra­tes in many indus­tries. Our expe­ri­ence, suc­cess and com­pre­hen­si­ve know-how are par­ti­cu­lar­ly impres­si­ve in mar­kets that requi­re tech­ni­cal knowledge.

  • Plant and Process Engineering
  • Automotive
  • Services
  • High Tech
  • Information Electronics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Technical Consumer Goods